Carina Tutorials
Video tutorials to help you set up and configure your Carina Event Manager

Getting Started
Let’s start by ensuring your Carina Event Manager is updated to the latest firmware, ensuring you have access to all the latest features and bug fixes. Next, we’ll add role-based users so you can better manage who has access between important technical features and calendar controls. Contact Support to get the latest firmware files.
Carina Event Manager and PBX Initial Setup
- Connect Carina Event Manager, PBX, and your computer to PoE
- Open a new browser window and connect via IPV6
- Authorize your PBX and connect it to your IP address
- Assign a static IP address to the Carina Event Manager
How To Update Carina Firmware
- From ‘Server Settings,’ select ‘Management’
- Select ‘Download Configuration’ to create a backup
- Click ‘File Upload’
How To Update Carina Endpoint Firmware
- From ‘Endpoints,’ select ‘Firmware’
- Upload the latest firmware file for each type of endpoint
- From ‘Endpoints,’ select ‘Bulk Configuration’
- For each endpoint type, select the latest firmware version from ‘Target Version’ and ‘Save Changes’
- Click ‘Reprovision All’
How To Create a Role-Based User
- From ‘Server Settings’ select ‘System’
- Under ‘User Authentication’ select ‘Create User’
- Select ‘Administrator’ or ‘Scheduler’ and ‘Submit’
How To Authorize Endpoints in Carina
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Individual Configuration’
- Select the green checkmark to authorize your endpoint
- Endpoint will begin auto provisioning
Setting Up Zones in Carina
The Carina Event Manager makes it easy to set up all your endpoints for zones of your choosing.
How To Setup Endpoints for Zones in Carina
- Select ‘Zones’ from the Carina Dashboard
- Rename a zone and save changes
- Open the tab ‘Individual Configuration’
- Select an endpoint and choose ‘Zones Room 1’
- Select a zone, save changes, and reprovision
How To Troubleshoot Endpoints with Zones
- Select ‘Zones’ from Carina Dashboard
- Rename an available test zone and save changes
- Open the tab ‘Individual Configuration’
- Choose an endpoint, under ‘Zones’ select your test zone. Save changes then select ‘Reprovision’
- Under ‘Events’ select ‘Event Configuration” then select any event
- Select ‘Test Event’ choose your test zone and “Submit”
How To Stream Music with Carina
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Individual Configuration’
- Enable ‘RTP Multicast Broadcast’ and set your background music priority
- Note your address and port number
- Create an event with audio source ‘From External Stream’
- Ensure audio device is connected and launch your event
How To Play Music via Bluetooth with Carina
- Connect bluetooth device to receiver and pair with your phone
- Enable ‘RTP Multicast Broadcast’ and set your background music priority
- Note your address and port number
- Create an event with audio source ‘From External Stream’
- Enter your address and port number the previous step
- Start music on your device
Add Events in Carina
Set up your emergency and non-emergency events including: Lockdown, Tornado alerts, or bell announcements for scheduling and/or easy triggering from an extension.
How To Create an Event in Carina
- From ‘Events’ select ‘Event Configuration’
- Under ‘Events List’ click ‘Create New’
- Complete all required fields
- Click ‘Save changes’
How To Create a Quick-Launch Event in Carina
- From the dashboard, under ‘Quick Launch Events’ click ‘Create New’
- Select your event and zone
- Click ‘Save changes’
How To Upload Your Audio File to Carina
- Download and install Audacity® … Open Audacity®
- Open your audio file, set project rate to 16,000(Hz)
- Use the drop down arrow to ‘Split Stereo to Mono’ and delete the bottom track
- Export your converted audio file as a .wav and open Carina
- From the Carina dashboard, select ‘Audio Files’ under ‘Events’
- Upload the audio file you created in Audacity®
How To Record Your Audio Files to Play on Carina
- Download and install Audacity® … Open Audacity®
- Open your audio file, set project rate to 16,000(Hz)
- Record your audio, export your recording as a .wav file
- Open Carina, select ‘Audio Files under ‘Events’
- Scroll down and select ‘File Upload’
- Upload the recording you created in Audacity®
How To Change The Color for Time/Date on an IP Display
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Bulk Configuration’
- Select your Endpoint Type
- Select ‘Display’
- Select your Time and Date color
- Save changes and select ‘Reprovision’
How To Configure Events for IP Displays in Carina
- Configure your event
- Enter text for your IP Display to show
- Setup text color, scroll speed, flasher pattern, and change flasher color
- Toggle white flasher
Creating Calendars and Bell Schedules
Create custom bell / announcement schedules for each school, grade level, or work area. Instead of creating each schedule from scratch, copy an existing schedule and modify specific dates, times, and alerts. Set specific dates and days of the week.
How To Create a Bell Schedule in Carina
- From ‘Bell Scheduler’ select ‘Bell Schedules’
- Click ‘Create New’
- Enter your bell schedule and click ‘Submit’
- Click ‘Save Changes’
How To Create a Calendar in Carina
- From ‘Scheduler,’ select ‘Calendars’
- Click ‘Calendar Planner’ and select your schedule
- Select ‘Date Range’ and ‘Days of Week’
- Click ‘Submit’
How To Copy a Bell Schedule in Carina
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Individual Configuration’
- Under ‘Authorized Endpoints’ Choose an endpoint
- Select ‘Displays’
- Choose a date color
- Choose a time color
- Save changes then reprovision
Set Up Extensions
In this section, you’ll learn how to set up extensions from the Carina PBX and trigger live and pre-recorded events.
How To Create an Extension in the Carina PBX
- From the PBX dashboard select ‘Extensions’
- Click ‘Add New Extension’
- Complete the required fields
- Click ‘Submit’
How To Setup Extensions for Live Broadcasts in Carina
- From ‘Event Triggers,’ select ‘Live Broadcast’
- Click ‘Create New’
- Complete all required fields
- Click ‘Save Changes’
- Click ‘Restart accounts’
How To Setup Extensions for Pre-Recorded Events in Carina
- From ‘Event Triggers,’ select ‘Pre-Configured’
- Under ‘Extension List’ select ‘Create New’
- Select your ‘Event’ and complete the required fields
- Click ‘Save Changes’
How To Assign an Extension to Cancel All in Carina
- From ‘Event Triggers,’ select ‘Pre-Configured’
- Select ‘Create New’
- Select ‘Cancel All Event’
- Complete required fields
- Click ‘Save Changes’
How To Setup an Extension to Call an Individual Classroom
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Individual Configuration’
- Select a speaker
- Select ‘SIP’
- Toggle ‘Register with SIP Server’
- Enter server details
- Save changes and select ‘reprovision’
How To Setup a Call Button
- Connect the call button to the speaker.
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Bulk Configuration’
- Select your endpoint type. Select General.
- Enter extension for your front office set in PBX
- Save changes and reprovision
How To Setup a Motion Sensor
- Connect your motion sensor to input 2 on a Wahsega endpoint
- In Carina, create an event and a preconfigured event
- Under ‘Endpoints’ select ‘Individual Configuration’
- Select your Wahsega IP speaker, select ‘Room’ then ‘SIP’
- Connect your SIP server then select ‘Inputs’
- Under ‘Input 2’ select ‘Place Call’, enter the extension you created, then save changes and reprovision
Couldn’t Find Your Answer?
Your answer could be on our main Support page, or you can send your question directly to the support team here.