NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance) awarded Wahsega a competitively solicited Security Products and Services (RFP Solicitation # 33-20) national procurement contract. This contract provides for the best pricing and terms for all school districts (K-12, charter schools, and private K-12), higher education, local, state, and federal government, healthcare organizations, and non-profits while complying with bid procedures through NCPA.
“NCPA is excited to have Washega under contract and available to work with our membership to reduce their costs and improve their capability to provide a safe environment. Washega’s NCPA Master contract is competitively solicited lead agency modeled contract that allows any US tax-supported agency to use the contract and reduce their cost of acquisition.” – Mike Muscara, Director, Member and Vendor Support, NCPA
Wahsega’s advantage comes from their Carina platform, a simple and intuitive dashboard that manages all IP endpoints, and their wiring patent which reduces PoE cabling costs by up to 50%. The Carina platform from Wahsega enables schools and public institutions in all 50 states to secure a new IP-based solution for less than the cost of an analog legacy system.
“Organizations now have the ability to use the NCPA contract to piggyback off of the state contract they use today. We are happy to partner with NCPA to provide safety IoT solutions to all public agencies. This relieves a burden for public schools and government organizations who don’t want to draft RFP’s and prefer to work directly with the vendor of their choosing at a discounted price.” – Joey Gullo, Vice President of Sales at Wahsega
NCPA (National Cooperative Purchasing Alliance) is a leading national government purchasing cooperative working to reduce the cost of goods and services by leveraging the purchasing power of public agencies in all 50 states. NCPA utilizes state-of-the-art procurement resources and solutions that result in cooperative purchasing contracts that ensure all public agencies are receiving products and services of the highest quality at the lowest prices. For more information visit