ATLANTA, GA (February 24, 2017) – Wahsega Labs recently explained in more detail why it made the choice to manufacture in the United States instead of China. Company officials stated that the decision is a pragmatic one designed to benefit their customer base. Wahsega Labs insists that while pride in American ingenuity and productivity played a factor, their firm commitment to their customers and strict quality control requirements were the primary motivation.

Although traditionally US companies have gravitated toward offshoring their manufacturing in China, Wahsega Labs found that they needed much quicker change cycles and higher quality than they could find in Asia. By using strong domestic business relationships fostered over years of experience in the industry, Wahsega created a home-grown manufacturing complex that sources materials, labor and manufacturing efficiency expertise to produce products more cost-effectively than they could by offshoring. Their success reinforces their belief that labor costs are not too high in the US and the benefits far outweigh the risks.

As one official remarked, “You can have your cake and eat it too.”

The complete story is available at Wahsega Labs Company Blog.