Ready to Upgrade to Carina 3.x with Cloud Portal?

All subscribers of Carina can now upgrade to Carina 3.x and the newly introduced Cloud Portal. Learn more about Carina 3.0 here and Carina 3.1 here. Follow these simple steps to upgrade:

    1. Download the Latest Firmware:
      Download the latest firmware from Wahsega’s self-service firmware portal. If you do not have access, please request access here. If you are an existing user with login credentials for the Wahsega Filecamp firmware portal, you can log in here.
    2. Update Your Firmware:
      Update the firmware for both your Carina Event Manager and Endpoint devices to the latest version. For guidance, refer to our tutorial videos:
      Update Carina Event Manager Firmware
      Update Carina Endpoint Firmware
    3. Document Your System Details:
      Record the Serial Number and MAC address of your Carina Event Manager as demonstrated in our tutorial video. You will need this information to complete the request form.
    4. Backup Your Configuration:
      Download the backup configuration from your Carina Event Manager following the instructions in our tutorial video. You’ll be asked to provide this file to complete the process.
    5. Request Access to the Carina Cloud Portal:
      Complete this form to request access to the Carina Cloud Portal. Once the form is submitted, a Wahsega representative will assist you in setting up your cloud portal access and schedule necessary training. Please allow 2 business days for a response.

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