Wahsega is thrilled to introduce Carina 3.0, a Multi-Site Cloud ready update to our campus management suite. Wahsega is also introducing Carina+, an enhanced tier of service for comprehensive school district management. This update empowers our partners, system administrators, and school administrators with unparalleled remote management capabilities through the Carina Cloud portal.

Solves Problems:

How can we help?

Remote School District Management

With the Carina Cloud Portal, admins can remotely manage any school in their school district:

  • Create or change bell schedules per school by zone
  • Upload recorded audio announcements
  • Add or update pre-recorded announcements with custom display text
  • View overall platform and individual device health for every Carina device

Administrators no longer need to drive or create complicated VPN network connections to each school to update bell schedules and calendars. Bell schedules and cloud remote management is available from any location with internet access.

Advanced Partner Admin Permissions

Partners gain expanded capabilities to manage multiple organizations (School Districts), customize user permissions, and ensure every user has the access they need.

Wahsega Partner Admin Capabilities:

  • Manage multiple school districts.
  • Create / customize accounts for admins and schedulers for school districts or individual schools.
  • Customize accounts by schools, campuses, or organizations.

Supports Larger Schools

Previously, a single Carina Event Manager was capable of supporting up to 250 endpoints. The latest upgrade to Carina 3.0 significantly expands this capability, enabling a single Carina Event Manager to manage up to 500 endpoints. This enhancement makes it an ideal solution for larger schools seeking robust emergency communication systems.

Carina+ elevates your school district’s management capabilities, offering:


District-Wide All Call

With Carina+, initiate district-wide live paging, ensuring no message is delayed or missed, regardless of your location. Instantly broadcast live announcements to every site in your district with a dedicated phone number and PIN, ensuring critical communication is immediate and effective.

Priority Support

Carina+ subscribers benefit from expedited support responses from the dedicated Wahsega Support team. Our support team is located in the US.

Limited-Lifetime Warranty

Carina+ subscribers will receive a lifetime warranty on the expected lifespan of the Carina hardware, providing peace of mind and reliability. (*Up to 10 years limited lifetime warranty.) All products are proudly designed and manufactured in the USA.

Annual Refresher Training

Carina+ subscribers will benefit from annual refresher training with the latest features and best practices to maximize benefits of the Carina+ system.

Carina+ is available for an additional fee. Please contact your Solutions Advisor for more information.

Embrace Advanced Campus Management

With Carina 3.0 and Carina+, managing school districts becomes a streamlined, highly efficient process. Experience enhanced communication, improved administrative control, and a future-proof solution to campus management.

All subscribers of Carina can now update to Carina 3.0 and the newly introduced Cloud Portal. Check out our How to Update Carina 3.0 and Carina Cloud Portal guide here.

Welcome to the future of campus management with Wahsega.

Current Carina Customers

New to Carina